“Grand Logistiks” EOOD is established in 2007 servicing only a few customers at that time. Nowadays, the number of satisfied customers has grown to approx. 5000 and day by day, it is still rapidly increasing.
“Grand Logistiks” EOOD is experienced both in shipping and freight forwarding within and outside Europe, Asia, North America.
“Grand Logistiks” EOOD has its own team of transportation, both within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and abroad, thus ensuring the successful delivery of your shipment directly from your company, house or stock.
“Grand Logistiks” EOOD offers a transportation service that will reduce your transport costs and an opportunity to expand your trading horizon, granting you security and tranquility. CMR Insurance will hold your freight covered, ensuring the safety and security of each mode of transport. As a result from the effectiveness and efficiency of the flexible decision making, the quality and competitiveness of services offered, the Company enjoys a good reputation among its Bulgarian and foreign partners.
“Grand Logistiks” EOOD offers a wide variety of services to help you choose the best Logistics Solution.